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The Adam in us
Ro 7:24 O wretched man that I am! who shall deliver me from the body of this death?
There is a part of us that loves to hide. Thank God that He (God) knows all about us and still loves us and accepts us. God called out to Adam where art thou? (Gen 3:9). Adam would rather hide rather than come out to God as naked as he is. Forgetting that God sees him exactly as he is, he hypocritically hid behind one finger along with his wife. Many of us like to hide under religion or religious activities. Many hide under religious titles. Many inwardly are attention seekers, corrupt, dishonest, proud and arrogant and yet they cover it up under the garb of spiritual activities. There is an Adam in every man that loves to hide. Many will like to point out the fault of others like David until God graciously send Nathan to prophetically confront him with this bitter truth, “You are the man”, (2Sam 12:7).There is a pretence in everyone of us that God wants to confront. Are you ready for spiritual healing? Then come out to God as you are. Use this Lenten season to come closer to God so that He can cover your nakedness as He did for Adam and his wife (Gen 3:21).
Have you been to Jesus for the cleansing power
Are you wash’d in the Blood of the Lamb?
Are you fully trusting in His grace this hour?
Are you wash’d in the Blood of the Lamb?

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